
How do your programs and facilities compare with other Campus Recreation departments across North America?

Benchmarking is a powerful way of demonstrating this comparison, and the Online Risk Assessment provides graphic benchmark data for your department.

Benchmark Data
a) External benchmarking data

  1. Total department score plus percentile ranking
  2. Graphic comparison of department score with other institutions

b) Internal benchmarking data

  1. Individual program unit scores
  2. Graphic profiles show how program areas compare

Detailed Analysis

  1. Detailed breakdown of department and program unit scores:
    Detailed analysis focuses on the ‘Key Risk Areas’
    Risk profiles shown graphically
    Analysis highlights risk management problem areas within units
  2. Profiles clearly show inconsistencies between program units (a key issue in the courts!)


The Risk Management Best Practice program provides institutionally-specific feedback allowing our University Recreation department to prioritize areas for improvement to enhance the safety and well-being of our participants.  The thorough analysis by areas of operations provides our staff tangible information to determine our next steps and most effective course of action.  This feedback would take much longer and be less objective if we attempted to undertake the reviews on our own. The comparative data is good for learning trends in best practices of other institutions.

George M. Brown

Assistant Vice Provost,
Director of University Recreation and Wellness
The University of Minnesota

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