Negligence & Risk Management Simplified (4 Modules)

A1. Why is Negligence such a Big Deal? (animated video: 7 mins)

The Challenge Staff really don’t understand what negligence means in the recreation setting.
The Solution A simple non-legalistic explanation of negligence, liability and risk management.
Video Content: This video simplifies Negligence by explaining the key concepts of ‘Duty of Care’, ‘Standard of Care’ and the ‘Reasonable Person Test’. The session also focuses on the 5 Key Risk Areas for negligence (Supervision & Instruction; Training; Facilities & Equipment; Documentation; Emergency Response Plan).

A2. What is Risk Management? (animated video: 6 mins)

The Challenge Risk Management is everyone’s concern.  What needs to be done in the Recreation setting?
The Solution
A simple explanation on how to simplify risk management planning for Campus Recreation.

A3. Negligence Awareness Training for Student Supervisors (18 mins: with tracking tool)

The Challenge Part-time student staff often don’t fully understand what negligence means for them.
The Solution
A simple explanation of negligence & liability and the need for awareness and observation at all times.
Video Content: Theme: ‘You Need to Pay Attention’
This video focuses on Negligence Awareness training and improving observation skills. A Tracking Option allows professional staff supervisors to track successful completion of this module by students

A4. Determining Risk Profile (3 animated mini-movies)

The Challenge Recreation staff don’t spend enough time determining just how risky their activities are, and whether they can manage these risks.
The Solution Two simple planning tools (Risk Matrix; Risk Rating) are used to help staff determine just how risky activities are.

To purchase series or individual module, click here

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I am starting up a brand new Athletic Training department in Campus Recreation and Sport Risk has been a key piece to the development of all of the concussion protocols we have been implementing for our students, staff and club athletes. Ian has been amazing, super flexible and easy to work with. You can easily get a hold of him and he is willing to work with the Sport Risk team to try and make adjustments in the concussion package deal when trying to adapt it specific to your program. I have mentioned SportRisk to many other programs already and look forward to continued use with the SportRisk team!

Jennifer “JP” Pidgeon

Assistant Director of Athletic Training
Campus Recreation & Wellness
East Carolina University

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