Best Practices Development Methodology

  • risk
  • Each Best Practices survey was developed, vetted, reviewed and tested by multiple experts in the appropriate field.
  • Surveys were administered through SurveyMonkey, and survey data analyzed using a specially designed database.
  • Surveys were developed as a series of statements e.g. ‘The Weight Room is supervised at all times’.
  • Staff members completing the surveys have three response options for all Best Practice statements, and a ‘response value’ is assigned to each response:

2:         ‘Currently doing this’
1:         ‘Plan to do this’
0:         ‘Not planning to do this’

  • Each Best Practice statement is assigned a ‘weight factor’ using a 3, 2, 1 scale to reflect their relative importance.

3:         Critical
2:         Very important
1:         Important

  • A score for each Best Practice statement is determined by multiplying the ‘response value’ and the ‘weight factor’ (e.g. a ‘currently doing this’ response (2) coupled with a ‘critical’ weight factor (3) scored a total of 2×3 = 6).
  • Using these calculations, a ‘Category Score’ is calculated for each category (staffing, supervision etc.) within each survey.
  • A ‘Total Score’ for each Best Practice area is obtained by adding the scores from all Categories.



The ‘Negligence Awareness Webinar’ is an exceptionally valuable tool for disseminating vital information to a large number of people. Using the tracking options of the Webinar allows us the capability to make certain that all of our full-time, part-time and student staff have been given the same information and training. The Webinar is a great way to reduce some of the fears and anxiety associated with risks, while providing a fresh sense of awareness.

Scott Harper

Assistant Director, Risk Management and Informal Recreation
The University of Alabama

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