Strategic Risk Management Course Outline
Unit 1: Establish your Team and Survey the Scene
- Introduction
- Defining Risk/ Strategic Risk; Risk Management; Enterprise Risk Management
- Defining Leadership in Risk Management
- Defining your Role in department and externally within University
- Meeting and working with your Risk Management Committee
- Risk Profile
- Using the ‘Risk Rating Form’ to assess program and facility risks
Unit 2: Assessing and Prioritizing Risks
- Determining the ‘Global department risks’ i.e. risks in other areas (e.g. finance, H.R., data etc.)
- Completing the online Best Practices survey on ‘Global Risks’
- Creating a Risk Map for the department
- Working with Risk Management Committee to prioritizing risks
- Exploring the concept of ‘residual risk’ and how it applies to decision making
- Creating a ‘Risk Rating & Control Grid’ for the department
Unit 3: Focusing on the Key Elements of the Risk Manager Job
- Reviewing the roles of the Risk Manager and Risk Management Committee
- Discussing the results from the ‘Global’ Best Practices survey
- Â Developing a ‘Department Training Grid’
- Identifying training needs, options and delivery mechanisms
- Department vs. Unit training (global vs. local)
Unit 4: Defining your External Role; Pulling it all Together
- Risk Management in larger context
- Campus Recreation and the University
- Identifying key campus relationships and identifying champions
- Meeting with the University Risk Manager
- Identifying ways to position department as a Risk Management leader
- Pulling it all together
- Developing your department Risk Management Plan
- Making a presentation to the Director and department
- Getting endorsement for your plan – and your role as Risk Manager