Strategic Risk Management Course Outline

Week 1: Defining Strategic Risk Management

  • Introduction (course format; use of Webinars; guest lecturers etc.)
  • Defining Risk/ Strategic Risk; Risk Management; Enterprise Risk Management
  • Defining Leadership in Risk Management
    • What does it mean?
    • What do you need to do first?
  • Defining your Role in department and externally within University
    • Risk Management Committee; Training; Emergency Response; Communication
  • Defining Outcomes
  • Positioning the Risk Manager
  • Defining your department risks
    • Which risks?
    • What are challenges/ barriers?
    • What are your ‘sweaty palm’ issues?
  • Communicating with your course partner

Week 2: Assessing and Prioritizing Risks

  • Creating a Risk Map for the department
    • Using the risk matrix
  • Prioritizing risks
    • Reviewing tools to identify and assess risk
    • Developing a Risk Identification and Rating Grid
  • Developing a simple Audit Tool
    • Conducting a ‘Big Picture’ department risk audit
  • Drafting ‘Department Guidelines’ for risk management in key areas:
    • Supervision/Instruction; Training; Facilities/Equipment; Emergency Response

Week 3: Focusing on the Key Elements of the Risk Manager Job

  • Training
    • Identifying training needs, options and delivery mechanisms
    • Department vs. Unit training (global vs. local)
    • Developing Training Grids
  • Emergency Response/ Crises Management
    • Identifying current/future protocols and training
  • Risk Management Committee
    • Role; training; succession planning

Week 4: Defining your External Role; Pulling it all Together

  • Risk Management in larger context
    • Campus Recreation and the University
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Establishing key relationships and identifying University champions
  • The University Risk Manager
  • Identifying ways to position department as a Risk Management leader
  • Pulling it all together
    • Developing your department Risk Management Plan
    • Making a presentation to the Director and department
    • Getting endorsement for your plan – and your role as Risk Manager

I am starting up a brand new Athletic Training department in Campus Recreation and Sport Risk has been a key piece to the development of all of the concussion protocols we have been implementing for our students, staff and club athletes. Ian has been amazing, super flexible and easy to work with. You can easily get a hold of him and he is willing to work with the Sport Risk team to try and make adjustments in the concussion package deal when trying to adapt it specific to your program. I have mentioned SportRisk to many other programs already and look forward to continued use with the SportRisk team!

Jennifer “JP” Pidgeon

Assistant Director of Athletic Training
Campus Recreation & Wellness
East Carolina University

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