Participant Tracking FAQ

How does the tracking process work?

When you purchase the training package, you (as the ‘administrator’) will receive

  • Access instructions and information on how the process works.
  • Instructions on how to add ‘supervisors’ (e.g. Varsity supervisor, Sport Clubs supervisor; Intramural supervisor; staff supervisor etc.).

What steps do participants take to complete the training?

Participants follow these steps:

  • Login and record their name, e-mail, program, sport and participant status (varsity athlete, coach, Sport Club member, trainer, staff member etc.)
  • View an educational video (7-8 min.)
  • Complete a post video quiz (a score of 4 out of 5 is required to pass the quiz).
  • Ontario Residents only:
    *Are directed to the Rowan’s Law educational materials and verify that they have reviewed these materials
    *Are directed to the Rowan’s Law Concussion Code of Conduct web site and documents and verify that they have read and agree to abide to by this code
  • Participants submit their data and quiz electronically.

What happens after participants submit their data?

The following occurs:

  • Participants receive confirmation of their successful completion.
  • Administrators and supervisors can ‘View Tracking Report’ to access the completion data which provides:
    (a) a record of their successful training completion and
    (b) [Ontario residents] verification that they have viewed the Rowan’s Law education resources and agree to abide by the Concussion Code of Conduct.

Can there be more than one administrator?

No – there can only be 1 administrator.  However, the administrator can add unlimited supervisors (see above). These supervisors follow the same instructions as the administrator for adding participants.  You can have an unlimited # of people on these individual lists.

For Sport Clubs, is the tracking report structured to show results by individual club?

Yes.  When a member of an individual Sport Club receives an email from the Sport Clubs supervisor, the member registers their name, email address and club(s) they belong to.  They are also asked to check their club affiliation i.e. participant, coach, safety officer.

Hence the tracking report is organized by specific club.


For additional questions, contact SportRisk directly at


The NIRSA Concussion Advisory Council is excited about the opportunities presented through this product, which is the first tool created specifically for campus recreation. It will greatly help in meeting the needs of the association and its members around educating staff and participants.

Lexi Chaput, NIRSA Concussion Advisory Council, Chair

Concussion Training Package

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