Series A: Negligence & Liability (4 Modules)

A1. Understanding Negligence

The Challenge — Staff really don’t understand what negligence means in the recreation setting.
The Solution — A simple non-legalistic explanation of negligence and liability.
Presenter: Robin Bowman, Senior Associate, SportRisk

Webinar Content: This video simplifies negligence by explaining the key concepts of ‘Duty of Care’, ‘Standard of Care’ and the ‘Reasonable Person Test’. The session also focuses on the 5 Key Risk Areas for negligence (Supervision & Instruction; Training; Facilities & Equipment; Documentation; Emergency Response Plan).

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A2. Negligence Awareness Training for Intramurals staff (18 mins)

The Challenge — Intramural staff really don’t understand what negligence means in the Intramural setting.
The Solution — A simple non-legalistic explanation of negligence and liability as it applies to Intramurals.
Presenter : Dr. Ian McGregor, McGregor & Associates

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience: Part-time student employees in Intramurals
Webinar Content: Theme: ‘You Need to Pay Attention’
In the Intramural setting, are you concerned that your Referees and Convenors are not aware or are paying attention to what’s going on around them? Student staff need to be aware — of the need for diligence at all times — and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’. This Webinar focuses on Negligence Awareness training and improving observation skills. Webinar includes ‘What’s wrong with these pictures’, plus potential high risk scenarios in Intramurals — for staff discussion purposes.

Learning Outcomes:
Increased awareness by Intramural staff of the need for constant diligence in their job.
Better understanding of negligence and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’.
Increased observation skills.
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A3. Negligence Awareness Training for Summer Camps staff (18 mins)

The Challenge — Summer Camp staff really don’t understand what negligence means in Camp setting.
The Solution — A simple explanation of negligence and liability as it applies to minors and the Camp program.
Presenter: Dr. Ian McGregor, McGregor & Associates

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience: Part-time student employees in Summer Camps
Webinar Content: Theme: ‘You Need to Pay Attention’
The Standard of Care is very high for Summer Camps — hence it is critical that your part-time student staff are paying attention at all times to what’s going on around them. Student staff need to be aware — of the need for diligence at all times, and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’. This Webinar focuses on Negligence Awareness training and improving observation skills. Webinar includes ‘What’s wrong with this picture’, plus potential high risk Camp scenarios — for staff discussion purposes.

Learning Outcomes:
Increased awareness by Summer Camps student staff of the need for constant diligence in their job.
Better understanding of negligence and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’.
Increased observation skills.
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A4. Negligence Awareness Training for Weight Room & Aquatics staff (18 mins)

The Challenge — Aquatics and Weight Room staff often don’t fully understand what negligence means in their work place.
The Solution — A simple explanation of negligence and liability.
Presenter: Dr. Ian McGregor, McGregor & Associates

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience:
Part-time student employees in the Weight Room and Aquatics. Tracking Option now included in this module!
Webinar Content: Theme: ‘You Need to Pay Attention’
Concerned that your part-time Weight Room staff and/or lifeguards are not aware or are not paying attention to what’s going on around them? Student staff need to be aware — of the need for diligence at all times — and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’. This Webinar focuses on Negligence Awareness training and improving observation skills. A ‘Tracking Option’ allows professional staff supervisors to track successful completion of this module by students (after each student successfully completes short quiz at end of module, their supervisor automatically receives email confirming completion).

Learning Outcomes:
Increased awareness by Weight Room & Aquatics student staff of need for constant diligence.
Better understanding of negligence and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’.
Increased observation skills.

Webinars are pre-recorded:

Available anytime, on any computer for 1 year starting from the date of purchase.

SportsRisk Webinar

The ‘Negligence Awareness’ webinar was great! I think our student employees got some good information and more importantly, I think it made some of them realize how responsible they are for the patrons at our facility.

Lexi Chaput

Assistant Director, Club Sports
University of Michigan Rec Sports

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