B: Sport Clubs (9 Modules)

B1. Concussion Management (20 mins)

The Challenge — Managing concussions is serious business and many departments are not doing it effectively or properly.
The Solution — Developing a simple concussion management plan that can be implemented at any school — large or small.
Presenter: Bob Liebau, Associate Director, University of Mary Washington

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience:
Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: Concussions are often unrecognized and undiagnosed with potential serious consequences to the student athlete. Hence it is important the a concussion management program be implemented to ensure that athletes are treated appropriately and not returning to play before the brain is healed. This Webinar describes how to put together a plan which addresses the three stages: diagnosis, management and rehabilitation.  Includes a comprehensive Audit Tool.

Learning Outcomes:
Identify the components of a concussion management program.
Understand the importance of cognitive rest.
Implement the list of components of a graduated return-to-plan protocol.
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B2. Hazing (30 mins)

The Challenge — Despite all the recent national publicity, hazing still happens in our recreation programs.
The Solution — Developing good practices and procedures on hazing as well as strategies to increase awareness and spearhead a positive cultural change.
Presenters: Dr. Jean Holt, Asst. Director, Old Dominion University; Linda Knight, Director, College of William and Mary

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience: Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: Hazing is still rampant at many universities across North America, causing significant damage to people and institutional reputation. In Campus Recreation, Sport Clubs Administrators need to find a way to work with Sport Clubs Officers to eliminate this destructive practice. This Webinar describes how to develop comprehensive principles, guidelines, good practices and procedures on Hazing, and strategies to spearhead a positive cultural change within all Sport Clubs.

Learning Outcomes:
Understand the comprehensive policies and procedures needed to tackle hazing.
How to implement an annual ‘Hazing Workshop’.

Implement a communication plan aimed at Sport Clubs Officers.
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B3. Safety Officer Training (30 mins)

The Challenge — As a minimum, high-risk Sport Clubs need some level of medical coverage at practices and games
The Solution — Requiring all Clubs to have Safety Officers — and training them to effectively respond to injuries.
Presenter: Greg Henderson, College of William and Mary

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience: Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: From a risk management and safety perspective, establishing Safety Officer positions for all Sport Clubs is key. To maximize their role, Safety Officers need to be trained. This Webinar describes how to put together an effective yet simple training program employing a variety of different training modules.

Learning Outcomes:
Understand the importance of establishing Safety Officers for high-risk Sport Clubs.
Understand the need for adequately trained Safety Officers.
Ability to develop and implement a simple Safety Officer training program.
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B4. Negligence Awareness Training for Sport Club Officers and members (18 mins)

The Challenge — Sport Clubs Officers really don’t understand what negligence means in the Club setting.
The Solution — A simple explanation of negligence and liability as it applies to Sport Clubs.
Presenter: Dr. Ian McGregor, McGregor & Associates.

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience: Sport Club Officers plus Sport Clubs members
Webinar Content: Theme: ‘You Need to Pay Attention’
In the Sport Clubs setting, are you concerned that Sport Clubs Officers and members are not aware of the risks involved in being a member of a Sport Club? Sport Club Officers and members need to be aware — of the need for diligence at all times — and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’. This Webinar focuses on Negligence Awareness training and improving observation skills. Webinar includes potential scenarios in Sport Clubs — for discussion purposes.

Learning Outcomes:
Increased awareness by Sport Club Officers of the need for constant diligence in their job.
Better understanding of negligence and the consequences of ‘not paying attention’.
Increased observation skills.
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B5. Budgeting (20 mins)

The Challenge — Club Sport officers do not know how to manage money or a budget for their Club.
The Solution— Create a better understanding of budgets and PRACTICE!
Presenter: Shannon Dere, Assistant Director, University of Arkansas


Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience: Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: Poor budgeting by Sport Clubs can result in Club financial problems, potential financial loss and missed opportunities. This Webinar outlines how Sport Clubs staff can teach Sport Clubs officers the key elements of budgeting.

Learning Outcomes:
Understand the risks associated with Club Sports and money.
Recognize the benefits of budgets for Club Sport officers (and club).
Learn about the elements of a comprehensive budget.
Examine ways to minimize risk associated with Club Sports budgets.
Learn different ways to implement a budgeting system in your Club Sports program.
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B6. Transitioning (15 mins)

The Challenge — Club Sport officers change year after year. Without proper transition management and training, clubs rise and fall quickly.
The Solution — Create a leadership transition program for your Teams!
Presenter: Mike Dominguez, Sport Clubs Director, Sonoma State University


Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience: Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: Turnover in leadership can be serious resulting in Club financial problems, problems with the coach, advisor, players and missed opportunities. This presentation demonstrates how to develop and implement an effective ‘transitioning’ program which involves early identification and training of future leaders.

Learning Outcomes:
Understand the risks associated with Sport Clubs
Recognize the benefits of well trained Sport Clubs officers
Examine ways to minimize your staff’s time and energy spent on simple Sport Club tasks
Learn different ways to implement a transition program in your Sport Clubs program
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B7. Classification Systems (35 mins)

The Challenge — Classifying Sport Clubs based on traditional models can result in lost opportunities to develop true leadership in Sport Club Officers.
The Solution —  A classification system based on Leadership, Education and Service.
Presenter: Eric Ascher, Coordinator of Competitive Sports, University of Florida


Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience: Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: Classification systems can be set up in a number of ways. This presentation outlines a unique classification system which does not follow more traditional models, but rather focuses on developing and rewarding Sport Clubs in the areas of Leadership, Education and Service.

Learning Outcomes:
How to implement a successful merit-based classification system
Potential pitfalls and challenges associated with implementation of a classification system
Ways to incorporate student development into a merit-based classification system
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B8. Sport Club Council (20 mins)

The Challenge — Many Sport Club administrators need guidance in setting up a Sport Club Council or need ideas of how to better utilize an existing Council.
The Solution — Develop the key elements of an effective Sport Club Council, and implement ways to utilize the Council.
Presenter: Autumn Johnson, Assistant Director, Indiana University


Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience: Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: A Sport Club Council can play a key role for the Sport Club administrator — but they need to be set up properly so that they complement staff’s role in managing Sport Clubs. This Webinar outlines the key roles and responsibilities to be incorporated in a new Council, or in the revamping or upgrading of your current Sport Club Council.

Learning Outcomes:
Understand the principles of forming a student organization overseeing all sport clubs
Learn ways to recruit a sport club council
Learn different responsibilities that could be given to a sport club council
Understand what level of advising is appropriate for the sport club council
Understand the importance of giving feedback and training the members of a sport club council
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B9. Leadership Training (35 mins)

The Challenge — Students are often ill-prepared to assume leadership roles as Sport Club Officers.
The Solution — Develop a crackerjack ‘training and leadership development program’ for Sport Club officers.
Presenter: Autumn Johnson, Assistant Director, Indiana University


Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques; Programming
Target Audience:
Sport Club Administrators (staff)
Webinar Content: Sport Club administrators can be overwhelmed by issues created by Sport Clubs officers as a result of their lack of experience and training in managing their clubs.  This Webinar focuses on (a) the essential training that officers must have to effectively manage day-to-day club functions and (b) how to develop leadership skills that greatly benefit the Club as well as the officers.

Learning Outcomes:
Learn what topics to cover in sport club officer training.
Gather ideas for different training methods.
Gather ideas for leadership training topics, facilitators, and presentation styles.
Understand how to use assessment and motivation to improve training.


SportsRisk Video Series

The Risk Management Best Practice program provides institutionally-specific feedback allowing our University Recreation department to prioritize areas for improvement to enhance the safety and well-being of our participants.  The thorough analysis by areas of operations provides our staff tangible information to determine our next steps and most effective course of action.  This feedback would take much longer and be less objective if we attempted to undertake the reviews on our own. The comparative data is good for learning trends in best practices of other institutions.

George M. Brown

Assistant Vice Provost,
Director of University Recreation and Wellness
The University of Minnesota

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