D: Emergency Response Planning
(4 Modules)

Note: Movies D1 and D2 should be taken together and consecutively.

D1. Emergency Response: Putting it Together (30 mins)

The Challenge — Developing a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan (EAP) can be complex and time consuming.
The Solution — The first step is to put together a simple plan focusing on a ‘Code’ system that identifies the various types of emergency (Webinar #1). The second step is to focuses on plan implementation through training, rehearsals and drills (Webinars #2).
Presenter: Sean Ries, Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience:
Campus Recreation administrators responsible for emergency response
Webinar Content: The 1st Webinar in the EAP Series outlines the key areas that must be included in your planning process: Levels of Emergency; Communications; Staff Responsibility Charts; Signage; Equipment; Contacts; Emergency Codes.

Learning Outcomes:
Understand the key elements in a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan.
Learn the importance of establishing a Color Code to label all emergencies.
Learn how to assign key emergency responsibilities to staff.
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D2. Emergency Response: Training, Rehearsals & Drills (30 mins)

The Challenge — Developing a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan (EAP) can be complex and time consuming.
The Solution — The first step is to put together a simple plan focusing on a ‘Code’ system that identifies the various types of emergency (Webinar E1). The second step is to focuses on plan implementation through training, rehearsals and drills (Webinars E2).
Presenter: Sean Ries, Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience: Campus Recreation administrators responsible for emergency response
Webinar Content: The 2nd Webinar focuses on Training and the importance of Rehearsals and Mock Emergencies. Also covered is a unique ‘Audit System’ which can be used to assess emergency response skills of staff.

Learning Outcomes:
Learn how to put together a comprehensive Training plan.
Learn how to run effective Mock Emergencies and Drills.
Learn how to implement a unique audit to assess staff’s emergency response skills.
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D3. Emergency Action Plan — Best Practices (25 mins)

The Challenge — Knowing how you are doing relative to other universities.
The Solution — Develop a series of best practices that reflect the best EAP’s in Recreation.
Presenter: Sean Ries, Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham


Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience: Campus Recreation administrators responsible for emergency response
Webinar Content: There are no ‘standards’ written for EAP’s. So you need to know what some of the Best Practices being implemented at schools which have developed solid EAP’s. This Webinar outlines the key areas where you need to develop a series of Best Practices and “must-do’s”.

Learning Outcomes:
Learn what Best Practices means in relation to EAP.
Learn how to develop Best Practices for different Employee Groups who are directly involved in implementing the EAP.
Learn some Best Practices for Mocks and Audits.
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D4. Emergency Response Student Training (30 mins)

The Challenge — Student Staff don’t understand the importance of Emergency Response training.
The Solution — Have student staff participate in “in the moment” realistic training.
Presenters: Phil Poier and Karen Flahman, University of Regina


Core Competencies: Legal Liability & Risk Management; Management Techniques
Target Audience:
All part-time student staff involved in emergency response.
Webinar Content: How do we teach our students to become proactive in responding to critical incidents, and how can students gain confidence in dealing with emergency or stressful situations? This Webinar demonstrates a unique new training system which involves local professionals e.g. police and firefighters in providing realistic ‘in-the-moment’ training scenarios.

Learning Outcomes:
Clearly define what types of Emergency Training your staff need.
How to actively recruit organizations or programs that can assist in this process.
Prepare a detailed program that utilizes expert resources and tools.
Properly evaluate and document emergency training for your staff.

SportsRisk Training Videos

The ‘Negligence Awareness’ webinar was great! I think our student employees got some good information and more importantly, I think it made some of them realize how responsible they are for the patrons at our facility.

Lexi Chaput

Assistant Director, Club Sports
University of Michigan Rec Sports

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