New Age Marketing
April 17, 2013
The Fast Track to Success
Mike Dominguez
Sonoma State University
Intramural/Sport Club/Marketing/ Kids Camp Coordinator
Paper is dying. Smartphones are more popular than your favorite television show. If you’re not reaching your audience through at least 5 different media sites, you’re not reaching them! Social Media is the most heavily talked about subject in the world, with Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube being the most often used resource by professionals and students. If you attended this year’s NIRSA National Marketing Institute, you would have learned more than one human brain can handle. Here is some information you can utilize for your students and customers.
Keynote presenter Luke Wyckoff of Social Media Energy spoke about keeping things in groups of 3. The human brain remembers information more clearly when things are grouped in threes. Date, Time, and Location is a good group to keep together. This can be used for flyers, posters, and your website. How well you know your clients is the key to where they get their information, who they share their information with, and how likely they are to return to your program. How well do you know your clients? Are your students finding your website or Facebook page?
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