Emergency Response Planning (4 Modules)

Note: Videos D1 and D2 should be taken together and consecutively.

D1. Emergency Response: Putting it Together (30 mins)

The Challenge Developing a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan (ERP) can be complex and time consuming.
The Solution The first step is to put together a simple plan focusing on a ‘Code’ system that identifies the various types of emergency (video #1). The second step is to focuses on plan implementation through training, rehearsals and drills (video #2).
Presenter: Sean Ries, Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Webinar Content: The 1st video in the ERP Series outlines the key areas that must be included in your planning process: Levels of Emergency; Communications; Staff Responsibility Charts; Signage; Equipment; Contacts; Emergency Codes.

D2. Emergency Response: Training, Rehearsals & Drills (30 mins)

The Challenge Developing a comprehensive Emergency Response Plan can be complex and time consuming.
The Solution The first step is to develop a ‘Code’ system (Video #1). The second step is to focuses on plan implementation through training, rehearsals and drills (Video D2).
Presenter: Sean Ries, Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Video Content: The 2nd video focuses on training and the importance of Rehearsals and Mock Emergencies. Also covered is a unique ‘Audit System’ which can be used to assess emergency response skills of staff.

D3. Emergency Response Plan — Best Practices (25 mins)

The Challenge Knowing how you are doing relative to other universities.
The Solution
Develop a series of best practices that reflect the best ERP’s in Recreation.
Presenter: Sean Ries, Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham


Video Content: This video outlines the key areas where you need to develop a series of Best Practices and “must-do’s”.

D4. Emergency Response Student Training (30 mins)

The Challenge Student Staff don’t understand the importance of Emergency Response training.
The Solution Have student staff participate in “in the moment” realistic training.
Presenters: Phil Poier and Karen Flahman, University of Regina


Video Content: This video demonstrates a unique new training system which involves local professionals e.g. police and firefighters in providing realistic ‘in-the-moment’ training scenarios.

To purchase series or individual module, click here

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I am starting up a brand new Athletic Training department in Campus Recreation and Sport Risk has been a key piece to the development of all of the concussion protocols we have been implementing for our students, staff and club athletes. Ian has been amazing, super flexible and easy to work with. You can easily get a hold of him and he is willing to work with the Sport Risk team to try and make adjustments in the concussion package deal when trying to adapt it specific to your program. I have mentioned SportRisk to many other programs already and look forward to continued use with the SportRisk team!

Jennifer “JP” Pidgeon

Assistant Director of Athletic Training
Campus Recreation & Wellness
East Carolina University

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